Finally sleeping through the night! For the past two weeks Brinley has slept through the night every night. Doesn’t sound like much for a 9 month old, but for us this is wonderful. For the past three or four months Brinley decided that she wanted to wake up every 3 hours on the dot, all night long. I had forgotten what it was like to actually sleep at night. We did recently move her into our closet (a little Harry Potterish, I know). It’s the darkest place we could find and it has seemed to do the trick.
Brinley is also finally eating food. For some reason she would never eat ANYTHING before we moved out here. She wouldn’t even take a bottle, meaning that she could never leave mom for more than 3 hour period. So lovely. As soon as we got here she became an eating champ. She will eat virtually anything. She has mostly had just baby food but has occasionally had bites of mom and dad’s food. Her favorite: otter pops. She is just like her mom.
Brinley has finally started crawling! She still prefers army crawling to crawling on her knees, although she can do it if she wants. She crawls all over our apartment, eating anything she can possibly find, the toilet being her favorite. Needless to say we keep the bathroom doors closed.
She can pull herself up onto our coffee table and walk all around it. This is the best toy we have right now. She also loves to walk around holding our hands.